The time has come to say goodbye to an iconic figure in Lamorinda - the ‘Baller Wagon’. It was great while it lasted, but unfortunately mechanical trouble caught up to it and we had to send it off for donation (with proceeds going to Orinda Network for Education).
How it started: The idea was to get a 15 passenger van that we could haul around players on our baseball teams and also use for after school enrichment programs
We bought the van in early 2021 and immediately had it wrapped with the Ballplayer logo and flying sports balls all over
Steve driving away in the van after it was freshly wrapped
Van sightings all over California: The van was a part of numerous adventures over the last 3 years
Orinda 4th of July parades
Ballplayers baseball teams to tournaments all over the place, including a trip to southern California and Reno, NV
Birthday party adventures
Luxurious transportation for Campo Graduation
Lamorinda Rugby team trips
Lamorinda Art & Wine Festivals
We had lots of fun with the van. But it turned out to be a dud mechanically and it ended up looking like this ⬇️ too many times with engine and transmission problems
Rather than continue to put more $$ into the van, we decided to remove the wrap and donate it with the auction proceeds going to Orinda Network for Education.
We’ll write this one off as an advertising expense and take pride in the happiness it brought to so many kids in Lamorinda over the past 3 years. RIP Baller Wagon